Preparing for the ECBA, CCBA, or CBAP exams? Familiarity with the different types of questions is important for your success at the exam.
After covering knowledge-based questions in a previous post, let’s take a look into the second type: scenario-based questions.
What are Scenario-Based Questions?These questions primarily appear on the CCBA exam but are also seen in the CBAP exam. They evaluate your ability to apply knowledge to real-world situations by analyzing short scenarios and selecting the best response.
Here’s an example of a question:A business analyst is working on defining a solution to address an organization’s issue with inconsistent reporting standards. The analyst is in the process of analyzing requirements. Which technique should they use to ensure all data fields align with organizational standards?
Data Dictionary
Functional Decomposition
Correct Answer: Data Dictionary
To gain confidence in answering such questions, consider enrolling in our IIBA-endorsed certification preparation courses. Our instructor-led courses provide you with the tools, practice, and insights you need to succeed.
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