In business analysis, it’s essential to always keep alignment as a top priority.
When you're deep into a project and requirements start coming in rapidly, it’s easy to fall into the habit of capturing, documenting, and passing them along without considering how they fit together. But requirements are never isolated pieces—they always have to connect to the bigger picture.
Think of it like putting together a puzzle. Each new piece should enhance the overall image and make the project more complete. If you force a piece from a different puzzle, it might fit, but it won’t add value, and eventually, it will stand out as misplaced.
Remember, there are business, stakeholder, and solution requirements. Think of them as a funnel. Whenever you handle a requirement, ensure:
It aligns with the other two groups of requirements and doesn't create conflicts.
It fits within the solution’s scope.
It continues to drive the original value you’re aiming to deliver.
In short, keep your eye on the big picture and make sure every requirement strengthens it, rather than creating a collection of disjointed pieces.