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Writer's pictureAnastasia Entina

Professional Development: The Sum of Your Skills

Today, many people are focused on professional growth and advancing their careers. However, professional development and growth don't happen by chance; they require continuous effort from the individual.

A common misconception is that career growth is driven by external decisions—when "they" decide to change your job title or promote you. In reality, growth starts from within.

Your professional level is the sum of your current skills. Once you recognize and accept this, you can identify the areas you need to improve to become a better professional.

Let’s take a skill for clarity—say, the ability to speak a foreign language, like French. This skill can be measured on a continuum, from not speaking French at all to complete fluency. Where do you stand on this continuum?

Now, consider the skills you need to excel at your current job, as well as those required for the role you aspire to. Create a list of those skills and assess your proficiency in each one. Focus on the skills that need improvement and map out the steps necessary to enhance them. Then, apply your improved skills in your day-to-day work to achieve better outcomes.

Remember, no skill remains stagnant—it either improves or deteriorates. For example,

imagine you once spoke French fluently but stopped practicing. Five years later, without regular use, your proficiency will likely have declined.

Professional development depends greatly on personal growth. It demands honesty with yourself and a consistent effort to improve.

Professional Development


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